donmai651: Windmill though the directional door
donmai651: Stop, savor the colors
donmai651: Carriage house Sherman, CT
donmai651: Colonial carriage house Sherman, CT
donmai651: Autumn come to the ol carriage house
donmai651: Classic Ford, yearning for the days of old
donmai651: Husatonic placidity
donmai651: Still standing proud
donmai651: Autumn classic
donmai651: Classic carriage house
donmai651: Color & light
donmai651: Color of autumn
donmai651: What the blank
donmai651: Words written on the doors
donmai651: Beauty is in the details
donmai651: 2020-05-22_09-13-15
donmai651: 2020-05-22_09-21-12
donmai651: Elevator to the top
donmai651: Coffee anyone
donmai651: Going up
donmai651: 2020-05-22_09-07-16
donmai651: Mast of destiny
donmai651: Music is her name
donmai651: Stowaway on the boom
donmai651: Pilars to the heavens
donmai651: España
donmai651: Che es
donmai651: Tapas forever
donmai651: España
donmai651: 2020-05-22_08-45-37