donmai651: Alba sul vaporretto, canal grande
donmai651: Narrow passage
donmai651: Guardian of an empire stands guard on its pedestal
donmai651: Vedute dello splendore veneziano
donmai651: Bridge of time, Ponte Rialto
donmai651: Colors on the Grand Canal
donmai651: Venetian reflection
donmai651: La piazza è mia
donmai651: Lost in Venezia
donmai651: 20190512_134436
donmai651: il trambusto che è Venezia
donmai651: Perso nella bellezza di Venezia
donmai651: Up and around in a spiral staircase to the higher ground
donmai651: Off the beaten canal
donmai651: Ricordi sempre belli
donmai651: Bussa il leone di Venezia
donmai651: A sights for a Dodge
donmai651: IMG_0302
donmai651: Don't run out the front door, you will get wet
donmai651: Spiraling steps of old
donmai651: Merchant of Venice's ship
donmai651: Faith in stone
donmai651: Bridge over placid waters
donmai651: Purple on ripple waters
donmai651: Reflections of a glorious past
donmai651: Vaporetto sul canal grande
donmai651: A ship worthy of a Merchant
donmai651: Dizzying Venetian hights
donmai651: Angle view for a Dodge
donmai651: Windows to the world