mikeevans12: Like a field of alian crops-1
mikeevans12: Like a field of alian crops2-1
mikeevans12: Like a scene from war of the worlds-1
mikeevans12: Like a scene from war of the worlds2-1
mikeevans12: People dwarfed by turbines-1
mikeevans12: People dwarfed by turbines2-1
mikeevans12: Underneath the pylons nature flourishes-1
mikeevans12: With a whir and a whoosh Panorama-1
mikeevans12: With a whir and a whoosh-1
mikeevans12: With a whir and a whoosh2-1
mikeevans12: With a whir and a whoosh3 Auto-1
mikeevans12: With a whir and a whoosh3-1
mikeevans12: With a whir and a whoosh4 -1