Miss Amy's Albums: "Hi, My name is _________"
Miss Amy's Albums: Nightly ritual
Miss Amy's Albums: Magical roommate is magical
Miss Amy's Albums: meatlovers pasta
Miss Amy's Albums: meatlovers pasta
Miss Amy's Albums: Okay... this looks simple enough
Miss Amy's Albums: You know, back when this project seemed like it didn't require teeny tiny hands. Or wrench fairies.
Miss Amy's Albums: This was when you could still reach the bolts with reasonable tools
Miss Amy's Albums: Wow... that's some hair.
Miss Amy's Albums: Warning: Trailer hitch installation may result in inexplicably accurate Jersey Shore hair
Miss Amy's Albums: Why yes, yes it is getting dark out.
Miss Amy's Albums: The instructions failed to menion this was gonna be impossible.
Miss Amy's Albums: Is that a trailer hitch?
Miss Amy's Albums: Hell yeah it is!
Miss Amy's Albums: A sweet, sweet trailer hitch.
Miss Amy's Albums: And they said it couldn't be done, or was that "shouldn't"?
Miss Amy's Albums: Landscaping, it almost looks on purpose
Miss Amy's Albums: Landscaping, it almost looks on purpose