Miss Amy's Albums: lights and things and Snow and Stuff
Miss Amy's Albums: Lewis Ginter
Miss Amy's Albums: Lights Under Snow
Miss Amy's Albums: Red... Creepy, scary, festive red.
Miss Amy's Albums: Restaurant
Miss Amy's Albums: look! Another Light! And More SNOW!
Miss Amy's Albums: A light. And Snow.
Miss Amy's Albums: Um....... WHAT?
Miss Amy's Albums: it said smores. SMORES
Miss Amy's Albums: These are the only snowflakes we usually see in Richmond...
Miss Amy's Albums: more bridge. Should switch to canasta.
Miss Amy's Albums: bridge, o're Icy waaaaaters...
Miss Amy's Albums: bushes. Wooooo!
Miss Amy's Albums: lights under the snow
Miss Amy's Albums: more... you guessed it! Lights!
Miss Amy's Albums: by this time I couldn't feel my hands. But it was purty.