Roland E. Vock: Reiherente --- fuligule morillon --- tufted duck
Roland E. Vock: Krickente --- sarcelle d'hiver --- teal
Roland E. Vock: Eisente --- harelde boréale --- long-tailed duck
Roland E. Vock: Stockente
Roland E. Vock: Stockente (weibl.)
Roland E. Vock: Spiessente --- canard pilet
Roland E. Vock: Stockenten Pärchen
Roland E. Vock: Stockente
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenenten im Formationsflug
Roland E. Vock: Schaumbad --- bain moussant --- foam bath
Roland E. Vock: Krickente --- sarcelle --- teal
Roland E. Vock: Stockente
Roland E. Vock: Stockente
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Metamorphose
Roland E. Vock: Stockenten
Roland E. Vock: Tafelente --- fuligule milouin --- common pochard
Roland E. Vock: Entenküken
Roland E. Vock: Reiherente --- canard tufté --- tufted duck
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenenten --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Hey, wie wär's mit uns zwei? --- Hey, how about the two of us?
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard
Roland E. Vock: Kolbenente --- nette rousse --- red-crested pochard