swartwood.j: Northern Cardenal, male
swartwood.j: Tufted Titmouse (comments below)
swartwood.j: Tufted Titmouse (comments below)
swartwood.j: Carolina Chickadee
swartwood.j: American Goldfinch, male
swartwood.j: Dark-eyed Junco , male
swartwood.j: Northern Mockingbird
swartwood.j: European Starling
swartwood.j: Carolina Chickadee
swartwood.j: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
swartwood.j: Downy Woodpecker, female
swartwood.j: Tufted Titmouse
swartwood.j: Northern Mockingbird
swartwood.j: Carolina Wren
swartwood.j: American Goldfinch
swartwood.j: Mourning Dove
swartwood.j: Brown-headed Cowbird, male
swartwood.j: Brown-headed Cowbird, female
swartwood.j: Cooper's Hawk
swartwood.j: Red-shouldered Hawk
swartwood.j: Spooky Red-shouldered Hawk
swartwood.j: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, male feeding on Pineapple Sage
swartwood.j: American Goldfinch, male feeding fledgling
swartwood.j: American Goldfinch, fledgling
swartwood.j: White-breasted Nuthatch (showing off)[1 of 2]
swartwood.j: White-breasted Nuthatch (and the other side!)
swartwood.j: Northern Cardinal, juvenile
swartwood.j: Red-shouldered Hawk
swartwood.j: Cooper's Hawk, immature
swartwood.j: Blue Jay