AMShaw1991: Reflective Red Shank
AMShaw1991: Here's looking at you!
AMShaw1991: Sheep, Derbyshire
AMShaw1991: Birds in conversation
AMShaw1991: Northern Flicker, Victoria, Canada
AMShaw1991: Who are you?
AMShaw1991: Goldfinch on guard.
AMShaw1991: Four in a field.
AMShaw1991: Don't mess with me!
AMShaw1991: 'Duck out of water'
AMShaw1991: Red crested pochard
AMShaw1991: Bar-headed goose
AMShaw1991: Meerkat
AMShaw1991: Egret
AMShaw1991: I am so beautiful.
AMShaw1991: I am not looking at you!
AMShaw1991: Storks together
AMShaw1991: Gannet - Flying home to nest.
AMShaw1991: Stay away!
AMShaw1991: Hornbill
AMShaw1991: Tiny toad cornered
AMShaw1991: Yellow wagtail
AMShaw1991: Lesser yellow legs
AMShaw1991: Cardinal beetle
AMShaw1991: Pond Skater
AMShaw1991: Male Chaffinch
AMShaw1991: Chaffinch
AMShaw1991: Grey Heron