Wolf Guddat: T-Rex Tristan Otto, Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Shadow Creeping In, Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Visitor examining Duane Hanson's hyper realistic scultpure, Hamburger Kunsthalle, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, New York, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Me and Picasso, 2018
Wolf Guddat: Corbijn, O'Connor and me, Hamburg, 2018
Wolf Guddat: Queen of the Night, Dumbo, New York City, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Skywalkers, K21, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2019
Wolf Guddat: Untitled, Hombroich, Germany, 2019
Wolf Guddat: Red And White, Hombroich, Germany, 2019
Wolf Guddat: Schloss Oberhausen, Holtappel Exhibition, Germany, 2020
Wolf Guddat: Lotte and the Cat, Neues Museum, Nuremberg, 2022