Wolf Guddat: Cafe Oriental, Prague 2017
Wolf Guddat: Miroir obrière, Marseille, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Milna, Croatia 2017
Wolf Guddat: Lizard near Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2016
Wolf Guddat: San Remo Towers seen from Central Park, NYC, 2007
Wolf Guddat: Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Window View, Cologne Cathedral, Cologne, Germany, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Cathédrale de la Major, Marseille, France, 2017
Wolf Guddat: Downstairs, Totumo, Colombia, 2020
Wolf Guddat: Untitled, Barú, Colombia, 2020
Wolf Guddat: Cafe del Mar, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2020
Wolf Guddat: Descending Birds, Palomino, Colombia, 2020
Wolf Guddat: Showroom Dummies
Wolf Guddat: Two Cranes And a Bird, Cartagena, Colombia, 2020
Wolf Guddat: Strait of Bonifacio, France, 2022