WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 5: Technical - Ten Shots
WhatKateSaw: Week 4. Visitors - Storytelling with mirrors.
WhatKateSaw: Week 3. Minnamurra - Artistic "Land"
WhatKateSaw: Week 2. Sitting - Technical SOOC
WhatKateSaw: Typical day
WhatKateSaw: Week 1. My Turn: Storytelling with the rule of thirds