sonnytutor: Barry Shad SC 350 30 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Batch Emil SC350 25 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Blackburne Lena SC350 30 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Bradley Bill With Bat SC 'No Print' SGC A
sonnytutor: Brown Mordecai Chicago On Shirt SC350 30 PSA 2
sonnytutor: Brown Mordecai Chicago On Shirt SC350-460 30 SGC A
sonnytutor: Brown Mordecai Cubs On Shirt SC150 30 SGC 4
sonnytutor: Chance Frank Red Portrait SC350 30 SGC 4
sonnytutor: Chase Hal Blue Portrait SC350 30 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Chase Hal Holding Trophy SC350-460 25 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Chesbro Jack SC150 30 PSA 4
sonnytutor: Crandall Doc Portrait With Cap SC350-460 42 SGC 6
sonnytutor: Crawford Sam With Bat SC 'No Print' PSA A
sonnytutor: Dahlen Bill Boston SC150 30 PSA 4
sonnytutor: Dessau Rube SC350 25 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Dineen Bill SC350 30 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Donlin Mike Fielding SC150 25 PSA 4
sonnytutor: Donovan Bill Throwing SC350 25 SGC A
sonnytutor: Dougherty Patsy Arm In Air SC350-460 25 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Dunn Joe SC350 30 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Elberfeld Kid Washington Fielding SC350-460 25 SGC 5
sonnytutor: Evers Johnny Portrait SC150 30 SGC 3
sonnytutor: Evers Johnny Portrait SC350 25 PSA 3
sonnytutor: Griffith Clark Batting SC350 30 PSA 5
sonnytutor: Huggins Miller Hands at Mouth Upside Down SC350 25 SGC 1
sonnytutor: Jordan Tim Batting SC 'No Print' PSA A
sonnytutor: Joss Addie Portrait SC150 25 SGC A
sonnytutor: Joss Addie Portrait SC150 30 SGC 3
sonnytutor: Lajoie Nap With Bat SC350 30 PSA 1
sonnytutor: Lajoie Nap With Bat SC350-460 30 'No Print' SGC A