Cathy10 Longoria:
By the sea...
Cathy10 Longoria:
It was all a dream...
Cathy10 Longoria:
Be like a tree...
Cathy10 Longoria:
Saturday Night Special...
Cathy10 Longoria:
To love abundantly,,,
Cathy10 Longoria:
May the blessings...
Cathy10 Longoria:
There is always time...
Cathy10 Longoria:
Pull My Strings
Cathy10 Longoria:
Which way...
Cathy10 Longoria:
Life is special...
Cathy10 Longoria:
Life is like an ocean...
Cathy10 Longoria:
No one ever...
Cathy10 Longoria:
If you truly love nature...
Cathy10 Longoria:
Said I could be...