Nigel Hodson: Harvest Mouse
images@twiston: Tree of fire
Caleb McCary: Week 10- Perspective: "You Can't Take the Sky From Me!"
Mary Moranville: "PLAYBALL" week 12
nillamaria: Orange
rachelwilch1: week 11 - split tone
AGQue: AGQ-20170311-0007
Avengergirl83: Week 9 Artistic: Still Life CC always welcome
_Michelle_Elizabeth_: Week 7: "Kept It Cool"
Cesca's Dogwood photos: Long forgotten toy #dogwood2017 week7
arlene sopranzetti: Week 7 Story:Forgotten
Rene Saarsoo: Through the looking glass
pitstit: Mirror Long Beach Carousel
miguelconner4: Clops on a Sun Patch
oaksharks: Beach Tree
judyazzopardi: IMG_2230
miguelconner4: Contemplating the Squirrel
Minniemouse1214: Water Fall in the Forest
JeDi58: Revenant statue - DOOM
veracherna: Mirror
kimsnyderstudio: Kim Snyder dogwoodweek3 arroyo grande
rebeccabrennan1: Week 4 Story: Mirror / CC welcome
sparticus2009: Sunrise
orville_toronto: WEEK 1 Story: Guys, guys, run, run, don't wanna be late to New Year celebration dinner ...
Star Otsisto Horn: Dogwood52Week1
primemundo: deer on wood
Sigita JP: decisive momet #1/52 dogwood challenge
kellyjrusso: Guadalaupe River State Park, Texas
marthadahl: Week 1 Story: Rule of Thirds