bethsweet: "Just checking my weight, Mom."
bethsweet: Dubya, awakened
bethsweet: The Last Warm Place
bethsweet: Dubs on a Rug
bethsweet: Dubya - 0205
bethsweet: Dubs loved my yarn!
bethsweet: Dubya December 22 04
bethsweet: Dubya August 02
bethsweet: Signs
bethsweet: Dubya
bethsweet: Dubs
bethsweet: Handsome
bethsweet: Dubya July 18 06
bethsweet: Dubya enjoying a stretch.
bethsweet: Blue "helping" me wind the yarn
bethsweet: Blue, new
bethsweet: Blue's favorite spot
bethsweet: Catching some Z-z-z-z-s
bethsweet: Blue, Cat-napping
bethsweet: Blue's favorite sleeping spot
bethsweet: Hiding!
bethsweet: Blue, napping on knitting
bethsweet: Blue
bethsweet: Blue
bethsweet: Blue at One
bethsweet: Lance and Blue
bethsweet: I'm just washing his face!!
bethsweet: Time to teach them to share
bethsweet: Boys Will Be Boys
bethsweet: "Lancie"