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Honestly? Spaghetti for dinner today? - Ehrlich? Heute gibt es Spaghetti zum Abendessen?
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Mutterliebe - Mother´s love (in explore 11.10.2018)
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Twins - Zwillinge
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Hudson Bay Wolf
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Halloween is coming up soon - Halloween steht vor der Tür
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Mutti ist die Beste - Mom is the best
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Little white Lions - Kleine weiße Löwen
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my friend the scratching post - Mein Freund der Kratzbaum
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Unequal twins - Ungleiche Zwillinge
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Paw patrol
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Greetings from Hell - Happy Halloween
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White Lion - Weißer Löwe
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Brüderchen und Schwesterchen - Brother and Sister
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Bäh, Ich hasse Spinat - Yuck, I hate spinach
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Rani und ihre Zwilling - Rani and her Twins
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Chat at the fence - Plausch am Zaun
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observant - aufmerksam
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9, 10 Ready or not, here I come!
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Proud - Stolz