Noodles Photo: Waiting for the delivery service - Warten auf den Lieferservice
Noodles Photo: Heckenbraunelle - Dunnock
Noodles Photo: Eurasian blue tit - Blaumeise (in explore 31.03.2018)
Noodles Photo: Grasfrösche beim laichen - Frogs with frogspawn
Noodles Photo: Den Winter aus dem Gefieder schütteln - Shake the winter off the plumage
Noodles Photo: Kormoran - Cormorant
Noodles Photo: Make Love, not war!
Noodles Photo: Höckerschwan - Mute swan
Noodles Photo: Silberreiher - Great egret
Noodles Photo: Mäusebussard - common buzzard
Noodles Photo: Kohlmeise - Great tit
Noodles Photo: Graureiher - Grey heron
Noodles Photo: Amsel - Common Blackbird
Noodles Photo: Familienausflug - Family excursion
Noodles Photo: Nutria - Coypu
Noodles Photo: Anflug - fly in
Noodles Photo: Muskrat - Bisamratte
Noodles Photo: Spring - Frühling
Noodles Photo: My name is Duck, Daisy Duck
Noodles Photo: Lachmöwen - Black headed Gulls
Noodles Photo: Sonnenuntergang am Rhein
Noodles Photo: Haubentaucher - Great crested grebe
Noodles Photo: Battle of Baumberg (1/6)
Noodles Photo: Battle of Baumberg (2/6)
Noodles Photo: Battle of Baumberg (3/6)
Noodles Photo: Battle of Baumberg (4/6)
Noodles Photo: Battle of Baumberg (5/6)
Noodles Photo: Battle of Baumberg (6/6)
Noodles Photo: Plattbauch - broad-bodied darter
Noodles Photo: Buntspecht - Great spotted woodpecker