Noodles Photo:
Zoo am Meer
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Zoo am Meer
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Zoo am Meer
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Polar Bear Cub Lale
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Show me your teeth - Zeig mir deine Zähne
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weißer Tiger - white Tiger
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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
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Chef - Chief
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Babyfant Tuffi tobt durch das Gehege
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Uhu im Anflug - Eagle owl in the approach
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Seeadler - white-tailed sea-eagle
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White Deer - weißes Rotwild
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Weißkopfseeadler - Bald eagle
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Mit seinem Essen spielt Luchs doch - Lynx playing with his Food
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Hang out comfortably - Gemütlich abhängen
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International Polar Bear Day is February 27th!
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black-footed penguin Brillenpinguin African penguin Aves Vogel Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae Spheniscus Spheniscus demersus Pinguin
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Bald Eagle - Weißkopfseeadler (in explore 08.03.2018)
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Uhu - Eurasian eagle-owl
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Zwergseidenäffchen - Pygmy marmoset
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There is something in my nose - Da ist etwas in meiner Nase
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Afrikanischer Elefant - African elephant
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Eagle-owl - Uhu
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Weißer Damhirsch - White Fallow Deer
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Rotmilan - Red kite
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Eagle-owl - Uhu
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Taps the Grolar bear