siglinde m: Amerikanische Kiefern- oder Zapfenwanze - Leptoglossus occidentalis - Western conifer seed bug, Germany
siglinde m: Busy bee - fleissige Biene
siglinde m: Balkenschröter - Dorcus parallelipipedus - lesser stag beetle, Germany
siglinde m: Goldglänzender Laufkäfer - Carabus auronitens - Golden ground beetle
siglinde m: wasps larvae - Wespenlarven
siglinde m: Waldmistkäfer - Anoplotrupes stercorosus - dor beetle
siglinde m: Blut-Zikade - Cercopis vulnerata - froghoppe
siglinde m: Waldmistkäfer - Anoplotrupes stercorosus - dor beetle
siglinde m: Derby's Flower Beetle (Dicronorhina derbyana), Museum of Science (MoS) , Boston 2019
siglinde m: Kongo-Rosenkäfer (Pachnoda marginata) - Sun Beetle, Museum of Science (MoS), indoor zoo, in Boston, Massachusetts, 2019
siglinde m: Gemeine Feuerwanze - Pyrrhocoris apterus - firebug, Germany
siglinde m: Small beetle
siglinde m: Eichengallapfel - a gall of the gall wasp Cynips quercusfolii
siglinde m: Eichengallapfel - a gall of the gall wasp Cynips quercusfolii
siglinde m: Violetter Ölkäfer - Meloe violaceus - violet oil beetle
siglinde m: Goldglänzender Rosenkäfer - Cetonia aurata - the rose chafer or the green rose chafer
siglinde m: Gefleckter Schmalbock - Rutpela maculata - spotted longhorn
siglinde m: Europäische Streifenwanze - Graphosoma italicum italicum - Italian striped bug, close-up, Germany
siglinde m: Wipfel-Stachelwanze - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale - hawthorn shield bug, Germany
siglinde m: Lomatia lateralis -Fam. Bombyliidae
siglinde m: Gemeine Skorpionsfliege - Panorpa communis - common scorpionfly, Germany
siglinde m: Kleiner Schmalbock - Stenurella melanura - flower longhorn beetle, Austria 2022
siglinde m: Gehörnte Mauerbiene - Osmia cornuta - European orchard bee (female), Germany
siglinde m: Gefleckter Schmalbock - Rutpela maculata - spotted longhorn, Germany
siglinde m: Busy Bee, Germany
siglinde m: Orientalische Mörtelwespe - Sceliphron curvatum - Asian mud-dauber wasp, Germany
siglinde m: Buchen-Gallmücke - Mikiola fagi - beech gall midge, Germany
siglinde m: Feldwespe - Polistes sp. - umbrella wasps or paper wasp, Austria
siglinde m: Hornisse - Vespa crabro - European hornet, Germany
siglinde m: Amerikanische Kiefernwanze - Leptoglossus occidentalis - Western conifer seed bug, Germany