siglinde m: Wald-Schachtelhalm - Equisetum sylvaticum - wood horstail, Austria
siglinde m: Keulen-Bärlapp - Lycopodium clavatum - common club moss or stag's-horn clubmoss, Austrian 2022
siglinde m: Foliose or leafy lichen - Xanthoria parietina - Gewöhnliche Gelbflechte, Germany
siglinde m: Gemeine Rosengallwespe - Diplolepis rosae - rose bedeguar gall, Robin's pincushion, mossy rose gall, or simply moss gall
siglinde m: Misteln - Sandelholzgewächs - sandalwoods- Santalaceae
siglinde m: Foliose or leafy lichen - Xanthoria parietina - Gewöhnliche Gelbflechte, Germany
siglinde m: Schönes Widertonmoos - Polytrichastrum formosum - bank haircap moss, Germany
siglinde m: Moos und Wasser - moss and water
siglinde m: Weidenkätzchen - willow-catkins in spring
siglinde m: a fallen tree
siglinde m: Trees are waiting for springtime
siglinde m: fallen tree
siglinde m: Schwarz-Erle, Germany - Alnus glutinosa - common alder, black alder, European alder
siglinde m: oak leaves
siglinde m: Setzling Sommereiche oder Deutsche Eiche - Quercus robur - seedling European oak
siglinde m: Wurzelwerk - roots
siglinde m: nature is an artist
siglinde m: Everyone is waiting for spring
siglinde m: Gewöhnliche Waldrebe - Clematis vitalba - old man's beard
siglinde m: Structures
siglinde m: after the rain
siglinde m: Gewöhnliche Robinie - Robinia pseudoacacia- Black locust seed pods, Germany
siglinde m: Gemeiner Wurmfarn - Dryopteris filix-mas - male fern
siglinde m: Keulen-Bärlapp - Lycopodium clavatum - common club moss or stag's-horn clubmoss, 2014
siglinde m: Xanthoria parietina - Gelbe Wandflechte, Nordsee - North Sea , Germany
siglinde m: Europäischer Queller - Salicornia europaea - common glasswort, North Sea, Germany
siglinde m: Sanddorn - Hippophae rhamnoides - common sea-buckthorn, North sea , Germany
siglinde m: Schönes Widertonmoos - Polytrichastrum formosum - bank haircap moss
siglinde m: Gewöhnliche Goldnessel - Lamium galeobdolon- yellow archangel, artillery plant, aluminium plant
siglinde m: Gänsefingerkraut - Argentina anserina - common silverweed or silver cinquefoil