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Stolberg's timber-framed houses - Germany
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Stieleiche - Quercus robur - European oak
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My unforgettable Zeppelin flight - Impressions, City Friedrichshafen, Bodensee, Germany
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Im Mühltal - hiking in the woods -Germany
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Im Mühltal - hiking in the woods - Germany
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It is the end of March and everyone is waiting for spring - Germany
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Winter, frozen river Saale , Germany
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Ostsee - Baltic Sea - Insel Hiddensee
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Ostsee - Baltic Sea - Victoriafelsen - Insel Rügen - the Isle of Rügen (Germany)
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Ostsee - Baltic Sea - Insel Rügen - on the island Rügen - Germany
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Biosphärenreservat Karstlandschaft Südharz - biosphere reserve karstic landscape Südharz Germany
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Nordsee - North Sea , Germany
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Elbsandsteingebirge - Elbe Sandstone Mountains with the national park Saxon, Germany
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Elbsandsteingebirge - Elbe Sandstone Mountains with the national park Saxon, Germany
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Elbsandsteingebirge - Elbe Sandstone Mountains with the national park Saxon, Germany
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diffuse light
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The golden fall
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Autumn colours
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Gotthardteich Merseburg, Trauerweiden - Weeping willow
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Ein kleiner stiller Fluss - A small silent river
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Questenberg, Südharz
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Questenberg - village was first mentioned in 1397, Germany
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It is springtime
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Talsperre Neustadt - the dam built in 1905 - Germany
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Der Gondelteich in Neustadt/Harz - boat pond - Germany
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Mühltal - Thüringer Wald - Germany
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Weiher - forest pond
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Streuobstwiese - traditional orchards with old apple and pear varieties, Germany