Ian 10B: Aunty May (28). 1938
Ian 10B: Talbot Road Bus Station Blackpool, under construction. Tuesday 15 March 1938
Ian 10B: Possibly Reg Hobbs. 1938
Ian 10B: Bruce Hobbs (17) on "Battleship", winner of the Grand National, 1938
Ian 10B: Bruce Hobbs on "Battleship" winner of the 1938 Grand National
Ian 10B: A thankyou card signed by Bruce Hobbs, who won the "Grand National" in 1938
Ian 10B: Cecil Hobbs. c.1938
Ian 10B: George Scott & Dad (22), Stirling
Ian 10B: George Scott (Jnr) & Dad (22), Stirling
Ian 10B: Mums Stepfather, William Little, Preston. July 1938