sae.s: the beginning
sae.s: julio, miguel the mule and caroline
sae.s: first pause
sae.s: along the path the first day
sae.s: the long and deep gorge of the apurimac
sae.s: nevado padreyoc
sae.s: rio apurimac
sae.s: PC120123
sae.s: PC120125
sae.s: one of the buildings at 3.300 meters
sae.s: an ocean of creamy clouds
sae.s: buildings and terraces
sae.s: one of the 3 valleys
sae.s: Choqueqiraw throw the clouds
sae.s: sae in the terrible wind of Choqueqiraw
sae.s: the great canyon
sae.s: PC120136
sae.s: when the clouds live the pleasure to enjoy the landscape
sae.s: the city from an hill
sae.s: PC120142
sae.s: one of the main gate
sae.s: the main square
sae.s: strange prospective of the canyon
sae.s: dark clouds
sae.s: the uppest part
sae.s: PC120152
sae.s: a glimpse of the city
sae.s: huge buildings
sae.s: caroline in the clouds of choquequiraw
sae.s: from our tent