DevoutDolls: me lookin' fawncy
DevoutDolls: ooh la la?
DevoutDolls: I wish she were mine!
DevoutDolls: hanging from the ceiling
DevoutDolls: marionettes
DevoutDolls: mardi gras couple
DevoutDolls: japanese beauty
DevoutDolls: strong blythe
DevoutDolls: the big top
DevoutDolls: under the big top
DevoutDolls: carnival game
DevoutDolls: an adorable puppet show with petites
DevoutDolls: Cat Girl and Bat girl
DevoutDolls: Siamese Twins
DevoutDolls: the bearded lady
DevoutDolls: side show!!!!
DevoutDolls: let them eat cake, or something
DevoutDolls: cage dress
DevoutDolls: inside the cage dress!
DevoutDolls: Vive La France!
DevoutDolls: Mardi Gras
DevoutDolls: Pretty Pullip
DevoutDolls: our lovely host!
DevoutDolls: giant mask!
DevoutDolls: black and white girls
DevoutDolls: black and white and some red all over
DevoutDolls: amazing all paper dress by Valerie
DevoutDolls: amazing all paper dress by Valerie
DevoutDolls: Diem's wonderful dolly and dress
DevoutDolls: the hardest game ever played