robertemond: Pileated Woodpecker
robertemond: Mississippi Kite Dances with the Man on the Moon
robertemond: Broad-winged Hawk
robertemond: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
robertemond: Smooth-billed Ani
robertemond: Bachman’s Sparrow
robertemond: Beadel Rd to Tall Timbers Research Station
robertemond: Song Sparrow
robertemond: Hermit Thrush
robertemond: Longleaf Pine Savannah
robertemond: Pine Siskin with American Goldfinch
robertemond: Pine Siskin
robertemond: Purple Sandpiper (Lifer #313)
robertemond: Big attitude, small bird (Seaside Sparrow)
robertemond: Black Skimmers, rounding the Fort Clinch Jetty