mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: lever du soleil DxOFP 20191125_083029
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: le joggeur DxOFP LM+90 1000552
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: le château de sable LM+90 1000515
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: Un beau spectacle DxOFP LM+21 1004712
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: levé du soleil peint huile DxOFP_DSF2891
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: la vague PL DXOFP LM+21 _P0135
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: contemplation en famille LM+50_P0078
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: crépuscule NKSEp K400TX LM 1000110
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: sunset sur la plage NKSEp K400TX LM1000107
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: Crépuscule- bredouille - DxOFP LM 1000073
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: sunset & boat horizon LM-1000366
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: sunset & boat horizon LM-1000368
mich53 - thank you for your comments and 9M view: Sunset plage & voilier LM-1000354