daneensands: "Haven't even gone to bed yet and can't wait to get home from work tomorrow, Sigh."
daneensands: "Be happy with the beautiful things that make you, YOU!"
daneensands: "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion, without out the discomfort of thought"
daneensands: "It's the best time of the Year"
daneensands: "He said let me be your Hero"
daneensands: "The comfort of your safe place will always soothe you."
daneensands: It's the little things, capture the moments that matter most, and savor them".
daneensands: Another week is here for those of us who must wing it until Friday. Keep in mind that every sunrise begins with new eyes."
daneensands: "Come, Come, Come have a drink with me."
daneensands: "Just another Manic Monday! Let's do this"
daneensands: "Here is to the weekend of good vibes, good friends & good times."
daneensands: "As you grow you change, as you change you grow"
daneensands: "Here is to another amazing week,"
daneensands: "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refused to be reduced by it."
daneensands: "Let's get ready for the weekend!"
daneensands: "In order to write about life, first you must live it."
daneensands: "Mindset is what separates the best from the rest"
daneensands: "Quality is not an act, it's a habit"
daneensands: "An obstacle is often a stepping stone"
daneensands: Coffee!
daneensands: "Call me"
daneensands: "Set yourself free"