peterichman: A very long train heading towards me
peterichman: Information about the mines
peterichman: Cripple Creek and victor gold mine
peterichman: Mountain Bluebird
peterichman: Great Blue Heron
peterichman: Killdeer ...stood in pool
peterichman: Juvenile Robin ...all puffed up
peterichman: Eastern Fox Squirrel
peterichman: Swainson's Hawk ...on wire
peterichman: Red Fox ...watching
peterichman: Yellow-headed Blackbird takeoff
peterichman: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
peterichman: Thats the last time I used a sat nav
peterichman: Whitetail Prairie Dog ...watching
peterichman: Red Winged Backbird ...Singing
peterichman: The Wagon train
peterichman: Starling taking a ride
peterichman: Holding on
peterichman: Pronghorn Antilope
peterichman: Clark's Nutcracker
peterichman: Mountain Goat ...Summer
peterichman: Pronghorn ...Possing
peterichman: Fritillary among the pebbles
peterichman: Green-tailed Towhee
peterichman: Clarks Nutcracker ...Juvenile
peterichman: Whitetailed Praire Dog ...Watching
peterichman: Poppys in Leadville
peterichman: Ready for the Snow
peterichman: Leadville Colorado
peterichman: Village over the river