barbmerrill2: Rufus Naped Wren
barbmerrill2: Costa Rica July 2017
barbmerrill2: La Bougainvillea Hotel Grounds
barbmerrill2: White Throated Capuchin Monkey and juvenile
barbmerrill2: Costa Rica July 2017
barbmerrill2: White throated Capuchin Monkey
barbmerrill2: Grey headed Chachalaca
barbmerrill2: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
barbmerrill2: Jaguar
barbmerrill2: Mountain Lions
barbmerrill2: Ocelots
barbmerrill2: Costa Rica July 2017
barbmerrill2: Brown Violetear
barbmerrill2: Green Thorntail
barbmerrill2: Green Crowned Brilliant
barbmerrill2: Brown Violetear
barbmerrill2: Sue with Black Mandibled Toucan
barbmerrill2: Hills heading north from San Jose
barbmerrill2: Hills heading north from San Jose
barbmerrill2: Fruit Vendor
barbmerrill2: Yellowish Flycatcher?
barbmerrill2: Passerine's Tanager
barbmerrill2: Social Flycatcher?
barbmerrill2: Hoffman's Two-toed Sloth
barbmerrill2: Violet Headed Hummingbird
barbmerrill2: White Necked Puffbirds
barbmerrill2: Ringed Kingfisher
barbmerrill2: Great Curassows (male & female)
barbmerrill2: David & Rudy
barbmerrill2: Beetle