floating_stump: the pathway out
floating_stump: photowalk group shot
floating_stump: ice volcano
floating_stump: icy piers
floating_stump: explorer
floating_stump: rough diamonds
floating_stump: steel green water
floating_stump: alien terrain
floating_stump: ice spike
floating_stump: little hill
floating_stump: stuffed mallard
floating_stump: keep off bluff
floating_stump: heat shimmer, nearly frozen lake
floating_stump: what robins eat in the winter
floating_stump: watch out where the huskies go...
floating_stump: ice bridge
floating_stump: shooting the gap
floating_stump: arctic explorer
floating_stump: "Sit." "Do I have to?"
floating_stump: sunny beach
floating_stump: steaming ice volcano