SowKate: Puy Mary , Cantal Auvergne .
SowKate: Même la nuit la plus sombre prendra fin et le soleil se lèvera.
SowKate: Ombre et lumière .
SowKate: Van life .
SowKate: Courant .
SowKate: Tignes les boisses , Tarentaise Savoie .
SowKate: Cat .
Teresa's Place/: Digressions
Teresa's Place/: Looking Up
Teresa's Place/: Farewell to Lisbon … :l and a plane to catch!
maxmariano: The jump
maxmariano: Indifferent
maxmariano: Staircase night ball game
maxmariano: Good weather at Raposa beach
maxmariano: Fishing boats
maxmariano: Everyday scene
maxmariano: Tired out
maxmariano: On a street in the Historic Center of São Luís
maxmariano: Small balloons in the windows
maxmariano: In the body of a truck
maxmariano: Pennants
maxmariano: People from my land
maxmariano: Bathing in the Preguiças river
maxmariano: Rua do Giz.
maxmariano: Futebol
maxmariano: Clothes on the clothesline
maxmariano: Streets of the Historic Center - MA
maxmariano: On the staircase.