Helgoland01: Plymouth: Amphibious Helicopter Carrier L12 HMS OCEAN und Atom-U-Boot der Astute-Klasse in der HM Naval Base Devonport
Helgoland01: Royal Navy: Frigate F236 HMS MONTROSE in ihrem Heimatstützpunkt Devonport
Helgoland01: Plymouth: Babcock U-Bootwerft in der HM Naval Base Devonport
Helgoland01: Plymouth: Devonport - Torpoint ferry über den Hamoaze
Helgoland01: Koninklijke Marine: hydrographic survey vessel A 803 HNLMS LUYMES und Royal Navy: Landing Platform Dock (LPD) L 14 HMS ALBION in Devonport
Helgoland01: Plymouth: Apartmenthäuser Lynher House, Tamar House und Tavy House in Devonport
Helgoland01: Torpoint: Villa am Hamoaze
Helgoland01: Torpoint: Carew Wharf Business Centre
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Blick vom Combestone Tor in das valley of the River Dart
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Landschaft am Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Forest Inn in Hexworthy
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: West Dart River bei Hexworthy
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Brücke über den West Dart River bei Hexworthy
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Picknick am West Dart River bei Hexworthy
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Dartmoor-Ponys am Straßenrand
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Dartmoor-Ponys
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Blick vom Combestone Tor in das valley of the River Dart
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Schaf zur Landschaftspflege
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Granitfelsen Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Combestone Tor (356 m)
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Blick vom Combestone Tor in das valley of the River Dart
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Landschaft am Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Landschaft am Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Dartmoor National Park: Combestone Tor
Helgoland01: Plymouth: West Hoe am Plymouth Sound