hillshounds: 2012-09-14 005
hillshounds: 2012-09-14 004
hillshounds: 2012-09-14 003
hillshounds: 2012-09-14 002
hillshounds: 2012-09-09 pond 9 Sept 12 007
hillshounds: 2012-09-09 pond 9 Sept 12 005
hillshounds: 2012-09-09 pond 9 Sept 12 004
hillshounds: 2012-09-09 pond 9 Sept 12 003
hillshounds: 2012-09-09 pond 9 Sept 12 002
hillshounds: 2012-09-09 pond 9 Sept 12 001
hillshounds: Pond, New West, late 90's
hillshounds: Wee Greyhound in the Garden
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 020
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 019
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 018
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 017
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 016
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 015
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 014
hillshounds: Eden Climber, overexposed
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 009
hillshounds: Rosa "Tatton", Purple Ecchinacea
hillshounds: 2011-09-22 001
hillshounds: Scotch moss, black mondo grass, blue fescue, mini daisies, big rock we found, annuals
hillshounds: Another view of rock et al
hillshounds: Planter by front door
hillshounds: East side border. Shrubs, glads (not blooming yet), a few annuals and small perennials. Fiber Optic grass in front corner. There's an oak leaf hydrangea and buddleja at the back -- they're both too small yet to really show up against the neighbour's la
hillshounds: Rosa "Tatton", more orange than I expected
hillshounds: From the front door.
hillshounds: Mini rose, woolly thyme, an annual that looks a bit like rosemary, more rocks. Heuchera "Coral Bells" in background.