Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: Union Pacific 8962 leads an eastbound acid train at Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: Union Pacific 7389 leads a westbound past the Capitol Building at Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: Union Pacific 4736 working the yard at Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: A grain train led by Union Pacific 8317 waits for a crew. Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: A yard job lead by Union Pacific 804 with the grain train in the background is seen working the yard at Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: The yard job is seen working the yard at Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: A Union Pacific yard job works North Yard in Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: Union Pacific 8087 leads a westbound grain train through Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: The same grain train at Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: The same grain train passing the Capitol Building in Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: Union Pacific 8712 leads a westbound manifest through Salt Lake City Utah
Chris Hughes Railroad Photography: A short local lead by Union Pacific 1100 is seen at Salt Lake City Utah