k.aksoy93: A combined arms exercise of the Ugandan Land Forces and Ugandan Air Defence of the SFC at Karama Armoured Warfare Training School in Kabamba
k.aksoy93: 071005-N-3255B-002
k.aksoy93: Sudan Army Convoy
k.aksoy93: Zimbabwe SVD
k.aksoy93: Somali Hawker Hunter
k.aksoy93: A member of the Paratroop Regiment, armed forces of Niger (FNIS) stands at attention next to a mobile medical unit, part of a humanitarian airlift from the United States
k.aksoy93: 11836643_508557502635252_3219910768435734637_n
k.aksoy93: id15081-01
k.aksoy93: id15081-02
k.aksoy93: id15081-03
k.aksoy93: C9jGzSiWsAA18nO
k.aksoy93: A tank captured by the SPLM-N during a battle with Sudanese army and militia forces at Mufu in Blue Nile state (5 April 2016)
k.aksoy93: A tank captured by the SPLM-N during a battle with Sudanese army and militia forces at Mufu in Blue Nile state (5 April 2016)
k.aksoy93: A tank captured by the SPLM-N during a battle with Sudanese army and militia forces at Mufu in Blue Nile state (5 April 2016)
k.aksoy93: A tank captured by the SPLM-N during a battle with Sudanese army and militia forces at Mufu in Blue Nile state (5 April 2016)
k.aksoy93: Ugandan T-55MV
k.aksoy93: DD-SD-00-00752
k.aksoy93: General Mark Clark (15th Army Group) takes the salute from M-10 tank destroyers of the 11th Armoured Brigade of the 6th SA Armoured Division at the South African commemoration parade marking the end of hostilities in Italy. Monza Race Circuit: 14 May 1945
k.aksoy93: Nigerian_troops_in_Somalia
k.aksoy93: BMP-1 closeby in Sudanese Army building
k.aksoy93: A visita, em 2013, do ministro sérvio da Defesa à Unidade de Tanques n.º 101, em Luanda
k.aksoy93: Biafran Soldiers
k.aksoy93: Eritrean Defence Forces T-55 during Eritrean-Ethiopian War
k.aksoy93: bandicam 2016-01-14 11-33-21-657
k.aksoy93: bandicam 2016-01-14 11-33-27-824
k.aksoy93: Eritrean Defence Forces T-54B during Eritrean-Ethiopian War
k.aksoy93: bandicam 2016-01-14 11-34-06-826
k.aksoy93: Eritrean Defence Forces T-55 during Eritrean-Ethiopian War
k.aksoy93: bandicam 2016-01-14 11-34-30-269