adamarmstrong1: Storms ahead
adamarmstrong1: Tom and Jerry
adamarmstrong1: NS 65H with 2 CSX engines
adamarmstrong1: NS 65H with 2 CSX engines
adamarmstrong1: NS 22Nacho
adamarmstrong1: Amtrak 19
adamarmstrong1: Amtrak 19
adamarmstrong1: Amtrak 19 with more cars than usual.
adamarmstrong1: M86 rolling off the east end.
adamarmstrong1: G93 with the OLS engine.
adamarmstrong1: Waiting for a train....
adamarmstrong1: IMG_9292
adamarmstrong1: LA to ATL 226 rolls off the east end.
adamarmstrong1: Sanding the rails.
adamarmstrong1: First time I recall seeing a wally world truck on 226.
adamarmstrong1: NFO grain!