adamarmstrong1: NS 153 and the start of the chase...
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 hits the east end.
adamarmstrong1: MoPac fallen flag.
adamarmstrong1: 290 with a 80Mac leader waiting on 153 to pass.
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 in Douglasville, GA
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 Douglasville, GA
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 in Douglasville, GA
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 rounds the curve at CP Baggett
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at CP Baggett.
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at CP Sewell
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at CP Sewell
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at CP Sewell
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at CP Sewell
adamarmstrong1: The Waco Mill off the East end district.
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at Waco, GA
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at Waco, GA
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 at Waco, GA
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 passes the Waco Silos.
adamarmstrong1: NS 153 crosses the Tallapoosa River
adamarmstrong1: NS 172 near CP Taylor on the East end.
adamarmstrong1: NS 172 comes off the East End.