adamarmstrong1: 2nd straight weekend 4003 leads 220.
adamarmstrong1: 4003 Leading 220
adamarmstrong1: DSCN2960
adamarmstrong1: DSCN2961
adamarmstrong1: DSCN2962
adamarmstrong1: 4003 on 220
adamarmstrong1: 175 SB at Austell
adamarmstrong1: 175 slowly rolls south. One of the many slow orders in place.
adamarmstrong1: 153 Storms west
adamarmstrong1: UP OCS parked at Bridge 2.19.17
adamarmstrong1: UP OCS tied down at Bridge.
adamarmstrong1: America!
adamarmstrong1: 175 crosses the Hooch.
adamarmstrong1: 175 is wasting no time at Bridge
adamarmstrong1: 175 meets the unoccupied UP OCS.
adamarmstrong1: DPU on 738