adamarmstrong1: NS through Rockmart, GA
adamarmstrong1: CSX B216
adamarmstrong1: Creeping to a stop
adamarmstrong1: I beat Woody
adamarmstrong1: Douglasville special
adamarmstrong1: Full moon setting
adamarmstrong1: Final approach
adamarmstrong1: First morning light
adamarmstrong1: We will rebuild!
adamarmstrong1: Mile post 109
adamarmstrong1: 23 Nachos
adamarmstrong1: Woody's overlook
adamarmstrong1: The Golden Hour
adamarmstrong1: A peak of sunshine.
adamarmstrong1: Coots Lake
adamarmstrong1: Two able bodies await
adamarmstrong1: End of the C-line
adamarmstrong1: CP Green
adamarmstrong1: NS safety train at sunset
adamarmstrong1: Fall finale