Shandchem: Cleit Mhor stack 1 kilometre north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Cleit Mhor stack 1 kilometre north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Cleit Mhor stack 1 kilometre north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Cleit Mhor stack 1 kilometre north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Latheronwheel harbour
Shandchem: Brian Arrowsmith, Latheronwheel harbour.
Shandchem: Brian Arrowsmith, Latheronwheel harbour.
Shandchem: Caves, north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Caves, north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Caves, north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Caves, north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Caves, north of Dunbeath
Shandchem: Cave, between Dunbeath and Latheronwheel.
Shandchem: Dunbeath_Lathernowheel_UamhRoncave_Seakayaktrip_20210802_140854_3200
Shandchem: Cave between Dunbeath and Latheronwheel.
Shandchem: Dunbeath harbour
Shandchem: Dunbeath harbour
Shandchem: Cave between Dunbeath and latheronwheel, Caithness. You can see two faces, if you are a pareidolia person, one on the right of the cave wall and one at the apex of the cave mouth.