Shandchem: Fairy Glen, Latheronwheel
Shandchem: Fairy Glen, Latheronwheel
Shandchem: Fairy Glen, Latheronwheel
Shandchem: Latheronwheel harbour.
Shandchem: Latheronwheel view looking south.
Shandchem: Latheronwheel view looking south.
Shandchem: Latheronwheel harbour.
Shandchem: Latheronwheel view looking north.
Shandchem: Selfie with my pal Rufus.
Shandchem: My pal, Rufus at Latheronwheel beach studying the waves and listening to the sounds all around him! :-)
Shandchem: My pal, Rufus at Latheronwheel beach studying the waves and listening to the sounds all around him! :-)
Shandchem: My pal, Rufus at Latheronwheel beach studying the waves and listening to the sounds all around him! :-)
Shandchem: My pal, Rufus at Latheronwheel beach studying the waves and listening to the sounds all around him! :-)
Shandchem: My pal, Rufus at Latheronwheel beach studying the waves and listening to the sounds all around him! :-)
Shandchem: My pal, Rufus at Latheronwheel beach studying the waves and listening to the sounds all around him! :-)
Shandchem: Calcite mineral deposits which flowed through cracks in the Caithness mudstone millions of years ago due to seismic activity.
Shandchem: Calcite mineral deposits which flowed through cracks in the Caithness mudstone millions of years ago due to seismic activity.
Shandchem: Calcite mineral deposits which flowed through cracks in the Caithness mudstone millions of years ago due to seismic activity.
Shandchem: Conglomerate boulder in the glacial till, on the north side of Latheronwheel harbour, as well as igneous rocks.
Shandchem: Conglomerate boulder in the glacial till, on the north side of Latheronwheel harbour.
Shandchem: Granite glacial erratic on Latheronwheel beach.
Shandchem: Granite glacial erratic on Latheronwheel beach.
Shandchem: Rufus in the Fairy Glen, Latheronwheel 26 July 2021.
Shandchem: Rufus, Latheronwheel, play as usual! :-)
Shandchem: Rufus, Latheronwheel
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