Shandchem: Gavin Sutherland, at Noss head, just before we paddled to Staxigoe.
Shandchem: Gavin Sutherland, at Noss head, just before we paddled to Staxigoe.
Shandchem: Staxigoe harbour.
Shandchem: Gavin Sutherland and Iain Baikie at Staxigoe for a break before we paddled back to Ackergill.
Shandchem: Two P & H Capella sea kayaks to the left of my Valley Etain sea kayak at Staxigoe harbour.
Shandchem: Two P & H Capella sea kayaks to the left of my Valley Etain sea kayak at Staxigoe harbour.
Shandchem: Rufus having a back scratch.