Shandchem: Danny and the Temple of the Moon from the Avenue of the Dead.
Shandchem: Temple of the Moon photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Vero, Danny and myself and the Temple of the Moon and the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Temple of the Moon photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Danny and Vero and the Temple of the Moon and the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Danny and Vero and the Temple of the Moon and the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Temple of the Moon photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Temple of the Moon photographed from the Temple of the Sun.
Shandchem: Temple of the Moon and the Avenue of the Dead
Shandchem: Statue in front of the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Platforms on my left and the Temple of the Sun when looking down the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Platforms on my left and the Temple of the Sun when looking down the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Platforms photographed on my right when looking down the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Danny, photographed from the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Vero and our Tour Guide looking down the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Looking down the Avenue of the Dead, photographed from the Temple of the Moon.
Shandchem: Our guide. The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent is behind the steps and platform here called the Adosada platform.
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) area.
Shandchem: Danny nearby the Avenue of the Dead and the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.
Shandchem: Danny in Avenue of the Dead with the Moon Pyramid in the distance.
Shandchem: Danny and Vero in Avenue of the Dead with the Moon Pyramid in the distance.
Shandchem: Danny and Vero in Avenue of the Dead with the Moon Pyramid in the distance.
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) area.
Shandchem: New drain pipes being inserted into the ancient drainage system/water supply system nearby the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl).
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) showing alternating "Tlaloc" (left) and feathered serpent (right) heads. The long undulating feathered serpents is visible at the base of pyramid under the heads.
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) showing alternating "Tlaloc" (left) and feathered serpent (right) heads.
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) showing alternating "Tlaloc" (left) and feathered serpent (right) heads. The long undulating feathered serpents is visible at the base of pyramid under the heads.
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) showing alternating "Tlaloc" (left) and feathered serpent (right) heads. The long undulating feathered serpents is visible at the base of pyramid under the heads.
Shandchem: Feathered_Serpent_Pyramid_Temple_of_Quetzalcoatl_110716_IMG_7949_1000
Shandchem: Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) showing alternating "Tlaloc" (left) and feathered serpent (right) heads. The long undulating feathered serpents is visible at the base of pyramid under the heads.