DaveSticker: White-dotted prominent moth caterpillar, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Milkweed bug, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Fiery skipper, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Zebra swallowtail, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: De Kay's snake, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bobwhite quail, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Robber fly, Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Bumelia Borer (Plinthocoelium suaveolens), Shaw Nature Reserve
DaveSticker: Dewy Damselfly
DaveSticker: Slaty Skimmer Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Slaty Skimmer Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Fragile Forktail Damselfly with water mite infestation [explored]
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly on Gray-headed Coneflower
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly [explored]
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Widow Skimmer Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly (f)
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
DaveSticker: Blue Dasher Dragonfly on Gray-headed Coneflower with bokeh [explored]