David Cheung Photography: Connemara Startrails
David Cheung Photography: Taste of an Olympus OMD Milky Way
David Cheung Photography: Lone tree amongst a star trail
David Cheung Photography: Halloweens Sparks
David Cheung Photography: A single spark can give a whole new meaning to life. Whether you're at home in bed, sitting on a train looking out beyond your wildest dreams or standing on top of a diving tower reaching for the stars. Don't let one bad moment ruin a billion good ones.
David Cheung Photography: Portrait at a glance
David Cheung Photography: Waste Away Cigarette
David Cheung Photography: Peace at Claddagh
David Cheung Photography: Rushing Corrib
David Cheung Photography: Claddagh in B&W
David Cheung Photography: Perspectives. What do you see?
David Cheung Photography: Starling in Spring
David Cheung Photography: The Ugly Duckling
David Cheung Photography: Semi-Macro photography. "One shot, one opportunity"