spotwolf5: Canyon beneath the west side of Mt. Wilson
spotwolf5: Bitter Springs Valley. Muddy Mountains in Lake Mead National Recreation Area
spotwolf5: Redstone area of the Lake Mead National Recreation area
spotwolf5: At Redstone in Lake Mead National Recreation Area
spotwolf5: Lake Mead
spotwolf5: Bowl of Fire. Lake Mead National Recreation Area
spotwolf5: The Bowl of Fire at Lake Mead NRA. Southern Nevada
spotwolf5: Lake Mead from the hill to the west of Boulder Dam
spotwolf5: The north end of Lime Ridge (rt.) and the Virgin Mountains (left)
spotwolf5: Lake Mead. View to the north.
spotwolf5: Northshore Road beneath Razorback Ridge. Lake Mead National Recreation Area
spotwolf5: The Muddy Mountains in Lake Mead NRA and the Muddy Mountains Wilderness
spotwolf5: Along the southern edge of the Muddy Mountains. Lake Mead NRA
spotwolf5: Muddy Mountains Wilderness high peaks.
spotwolf5: Minor ridgetop on the SW side of Bitter Springs Valley, Nevada
spotwolf5: Mudstone hills. Lake Mead National Recreation Area
spotwolf5: Toward Las Vegas Bay at Lake Mead.
spotwolf5: Northshore Drive. Lake Mead National Recreation Area
spotwolf5: Across Lake Mead toward Lime Ridge. Lake Mead NRA
spotwolf5: Lime Ridge at sunset (from across Lake Mead)
spotwolf5: Desert floor near Lake Mead. Southern Nevada
spotwolf5: Lime Ridge at Lake Mead National Recreation Area.
spotwolf5: Virgin Mountains from Overton Beach. Nevada
spotwolf5: The Newberry Mountains in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area