wbishoff: Barb and Robin's home
wbishoff: Robin's cat, Bella
wbishoff: Bella
wbishoff: Bella
wbishoff: Bella
wbishoff: Barbara and Leda leave the front door
wbishoff: Barbara and Leda
wbishoff: The front yard is planted with wildflowers
wbishoff: Debby and Stevens house, Barbara's artist friend
wbishoff: Front of house
wbishoff: Cosmos
wbishoff: Front yard wildflowers
wbishoff: Black-eyed-susans
wbishoff: Black-eyed-susans
wbishoff: Black-eyed-susans
wbishoff: Black-eyed-susans
wbishoff: Back yard planted with a no-mow grass
wbishoff: The 16th century sentry at the front of the house
wbishoff: Backyard gargoyle
wbishoff: Gargoyle
wbishoff: Granite bench
wbishoff: Back of house
wbishoff: Backyard Dr. Evermore lizard
wbishoff: Both wings of the house
wbishoff: Barb's wing of the house
wbishoff: Robin's wing of the house
wbishoff: Barb's wing of the house
wbishoff: North side of house
wbishoff: Woods behind the house in early morning
wbishoff: Fungus on branches