Alison. Allen: Caterpillar, Cabbage white.
Alison. Allen: Speckled wood Butterfly.
Alison. Allen: Red Admiral
Alison. Allen: P1050883
Alison. Allen: Pretty .
Alison. Allen: Best i could get !! Humming bird hawk moth .
Alison. Allen: Oh dear !!
Alison. Allen: Found in the green house, Zygiella atrica.
Alison. Allen: Happy Christmas x
Alison. Allen: Somerset levels , Starlings roost.
Alison. Allen: X marks the spot !!
Alison. Allen: Widgeon x
Alison. Allen: Female Mandarin x
Alison. Allen: Robin , my first in flight !!
Alison. Allen: Bee Fly on a Cuckoo Flower x
Alison. Allen: Sunset reflections .
Alison. Allen: Elephant Hawk moth caterpillar.
Alison. Allen: Posing Prairie dog x
Alison. Allen: Nursery web spider carrying her egg case .
Alison. Allen: Possibly Linyphia triangularis ? Arachtober 14.
Alison. Allen: Remembering .
Alison. Allen: Swan on her nest.
Alison. Allen: Brown Pelican, fly by !