Petra Karg: Two are working: Osmia adunca f + Heriades truncorum f
Petra Karg: Halictus tumulorum f / Lotus + Megachile rotundata f
Petra Karg: difference in size of Osmia aurulenta f / Osmia caerulescens f
Petra Karg: difference in size of Osmia aurulenta f / Osmia caerulescens m
Petra Karg: Anthophora quadrimaculata and Honey bee - see the differenz in size.
Petra Karg: Andrena sp. and fly - that shows the size of Andrena
Petra Karg: See the difference in size: Anthidium manicatum and Megachile
Petra Karg: Chelostoma rapunculi m + Hylaeus sp. / Geranium pratense