janos.hajas: Giraffes at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: Giraffe at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: Impala at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: .A double-headed impala ?
janos.hajas: White rhino at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: .White rhino at Pilenasberg NP
janos.hajas: Hippo bull at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: Hippo family, Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: A ~5 m long crocodile at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: Pilanesberg NP, South Africa
janos.hajas: Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: Waterbok (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) at Pilanesberg NP
janos.hajas: African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) in False Bay
janos.hajas: Welcome, Sir !
janos.hajas: African penguins, False Bay
janos.hajas: Couples
janos.hajas: A speckled pigeon or african rock pigeon (Columba guinea) in Cape Town
janos.hajas: Red-winged starlings (Onychognatus morio), looking for nectar on Aloe africana
janos.hajas: Pine forest on the north side of Table Mountain
janos.hajas: Quartzitic sandstone erosion forms on Table Mountain, Cape Town
janos.hajas: Black girdled lizard (Cordylus niger) on Table Mountain
janos.hajas: View from Cape Point to North
janos.hajas: Zulu beauty
janos.hajas: At the Cape of Good Hope
janos.hajas: Rock islet at Scarborough Beach, Cape NP
janos.hajas: False Bay, Scarborough Beach on the east side of the Cape
janos.hajas: Lanscape near the Cape of Good Hope
janos.hajas: Rock hyrax or rock rabbit (Procavia capensis), feeding on flowers on the cliffs at Cape Point, South Africa
janos.hajas: Cormoran over stormy waters
janos.hajas: Ostrich (Struthio camelus australis) at the seaside at Cape Point